Thursday, April 19, 2007

UNITE - Unashamed territorial ambitions, but some way to go

a Global Union for
the 21st Century

It has been two years since Amicus-T&G and the United Steelworkers (USW) signed a Strategic A l l i a n c e as the first formal and public commitment by our two unions to build a strong relationship and to find ways to more effectively represent and protect workers under the reality of the new global economy.
During those years, as over the past 20, the power of global capital has continued to accrue at the expense of workers in nations throughout the world.
Amicus-T&G and the USW firmly believe that over the coming years only through greater international solidarity and cooperation can we, as a trade union movement, effectively represent the interests of our members against the threats posed by global capital.

Global capital requires a global response and Amicus-T&G and the USW are committed to investigating ways in which cooperation and collaboration between our two organizations can be deepened and strengthened. Combining the political and industrial strength of our two unions will achieve greater
success for our members than standing apart.

Both Amicus-T&G and the USW are committed to increasing our political power to oppose the destructive neo-liberal economic and trade policies wreaking havoc today worldwide. We are also committed to conducting joint solidarity projects and developing joint global strategic and organizing campaigns.

The signing of the Strategic Alliance was a positive first step. But bolder measures are required if unions are not to be marginalized and, even worse, made irrelevant in the coming years.
The signing of this document today marks the next step on the road to the evolution and creation of a truly international trade union through a merger of Amicus-T&G and the USW in the near future. We envision building a true global union by expanding our commitments to include other unions across the globe.

Amicus-T&G and the USW hereby commit to:

© The creation of a formal Merger Exploration Committee.
This committee will consist of five principal individuals from each union and supported by technical staff as needed. Their charge will be to study
the legal framework, constitutions, rules and regulations, and the structures of both unions. This committee will meet regularly over the next twelve months and suggest a framework for a formal merger between Amicus-T&G and the USW to create a truly International Union for the 21st Century.
© A regular exchange between senior officers, to take place every quarter, to monitor and develop areas of joint work and to find ways of integrating common programs for the near term and to enhance the understanding and culture of both of our great unions.

© Provide material and financial resources for joint international solidarity projects with the establishment of a substantial jointly administered fund split evenly between Amicus-T&G and the USW.
Projects might include, but are not limited to, support of Columbia’s trade union movement in the face of continued attacks on labor and human rights; capacity building projects with partner unions in Africa; solidarity work with the ship breakers of India and joint exploration of transnational corporations in China.

© The development of common approaches to collective bargaining in sectors and multinational companies where our joint membership work using the strength of our two unions against the interests of global capital to ensure enhanced bargaining outcomes.

© To engage in regular participation in each unions educational and political conferences and activities. Each union will designate appropriate members or officers to attend such activities so that further integration may develop.

Today’s signing places Amicus-T&G and the USW well down the road to creating the first truly global union.
_____________________________ _____________________________
International President General Secretary
United Steelworkers (USW) Amicus
_____________________________ _____________________________
National Director of Canada General Secretary
United Steelworkers (USW) Transport and General
Workers’Union (T&G)

Dated: April 18, 2007


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