Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another stone in the water

Some day I'll get round to putting a caveat in a prominent place.

In the meantime I'm happy to affirm that the ramblings on all my blogs represent my opinions. [At least at the time I wrote them]
When other people's work, or thoughts, or decisions are used I try to acknowledge the source.
Now and again, as in the main thrust of the previous post, I have tried out the ideas with comrades, and can claim a degree of assent.
The polemic is likely to be mine alone.
I used to jest that, with my luck, the final collapse of capitalism would happen the week before I retired. It didn't work out that way, but since then thousands have seen their pensions snatched away. Then, simultaneous with the current world economic crisis - not quite Armageddon but too close for comfort- the left in Unite splits.
The members need a Union that is both effective and accountable.
The merger of Amicus and the T&G could be that if we get it right.
Each grouping will embrace that aim and claim that they are the answer.
Away from the hubbub most activists will acknowledge that people policies and structures are all important .
I've been around long enough to know that which bum is[or on occasion how many bums are] on which seat matters.
But right now who is going to be next General Secretary is not the important question.


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