Friday, October 31, 2008

A letter to Laurence

Dear Laurence

I have read your blog with interest.

It confirms news reports that you are seeking nominations for the position of Joint General Secretary.

I do not question your right to stand for office, but am not convinced it is either principled or prudent.

I would like you to answer a number of questions.

Who's asking?

A concerned member, 15 years your senior, reluctant to parade battle honours, and hopefully beyond vanity or ambition.

But if my intervention is to be taken seriously, I'm afraid it's a case of "you've shown me yours, so I'll show you mine".

Workplace representative 38 years.
National Executive Member - 24 years.
Chair of Finance Committee - TASS & MSF.
Rules Commission - AEEU MSF merger.
"Left" adherent
Believer in open campaigning rather than conspiracy.

My views on the present turmoil in Unite can be found at
and I will be posting this there.

I too am impatient for the speediest possible full implementation of the merger,
but believe that a contest now in an unsought election would be an impediment not a help:
and say

"The best possible outcome would be that the incumbent Joint General Secretary is the sole valid nominee."

Q1 - Do you applaud the complainant's actions including the threat of further legal challenge?

Q2 -Do you accept that, if the complaint were to be upheld, both Joint General Secretaries could be removed from office.

Q3- Do you accept that the arrangement for one General Secretary to extend his term of office by one year, and the other to go a year early, was part of the agreement negotiated between Amicus and the TGWU, and was endorsed by membership ballot.

Q3 - Do you accept that if either Joint General Secretary is acting as an impediment to the implementation of the programme for merger, that the recently elected Executive Council can issue either or both with appropriate instructions.

Q4 - If you are contemplating running for General Secretary Designate, could you reconcile that legitimate ambition with the duty imposed on both Joint General Secretaries “to oversee the election of the General Secretary Designate of the new Union”

I look forward to your response
Bob Hardie


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